
Episode 80 – Neil Cicierega’s Mouth Moods

Welcome back to your most dedicated podcast to 711, talking about such important topics as 311 and Smash Mouth. Album of the week is Neil Cicierega’s “Mouth Moods!”


Episode 79 – Hamilton

The Sounding Board is here and more patriotic than ever when we listen to Lin Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton”! For once, we started on time. And it’s a good time. Intro and outro taken from Hamilton.


Episode 77 – Carissa’s Wierd’s “Songs About Leaving”

The Sounding Board reconvenes to finally get over 2016 and start talking about music from this year….and a 15 year-old winter favorite of Camden’s! Plus, we dig deep into the world of mobile gaming and face-touching.

Intro music: So You Wanna Be A Superhero by Carissa’s Wierd

Outro music: Low Budget Slow Motion Soundtrack Song for the Leaving Scene by Carissa’s Wierd


2016 In One Week

The Sounding Board is back and ready to kick off the new year with a look back at our
favorite releases from 2016! Plus, we learn how to avoid bad science, Josh becomes a coffee
snob, and we resurrect a cherished podcast segment!

Intro music: It’s just a burning memory by The Caretaker


Episode 76 – Chance The Rapper’s “Acid Rap”

The Sounding Board gets together (at least) one more time in 2016 to talk about Chance The Rapper’s mixtape, “Acid Rap”! I’d have better descriptions if I wrote them when we recorded the podcast.

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Episode 75 – Leonard Cohen’s “You Want It Darker”

The Sounding Board pays respects to Leonard Cohen, and talks through his album, “You Want It Darker”. Josh listened to music – slackers! Intro by Entertainment for the Braindead, outro by Bensound

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Episode 74 – The Drones’ “Wait Long By The River And The Bodies Of Your Enemies Will Float By”

Everything is fine. Wait Long By The River And The Bodies Of Your Enemes Will Float By. . . by the Drones. Intro by Brad Sucks, outro by Bensound.

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Episode 73 – Ayreon’s “The Human Equation”

The Sounding Board is a PROGRESSIVE podcast and we’re going to listen to a PROGRESSIVE METAL OPERA in Ayreon’s “The Human Equation”! Also, Camden has a cool job, Josh has a cool job, and Ted. . . wants a cool job.


Episode 72 – Agalloch’s “Ashes Against the Grain”

KEXP DJ Reeves Richards takes the lead to bring you the METAL MINUTE featuring Agalloch’s Ashes Against the Grain! Josh. . . Josh has a lot to drink. Intro by Purple Planet Music, outro by Bensound